
The entire ECFS community is asked to join our efforts to honor and advance the mission of the Ethical Culture Fieldston School by making a philanthropic gift and encouraging others to give.

ECFS has one of the largest commitments to financial aid in New York City. 云顶集团每年提供超过1800万美元的助学金. Your gifts ensure that the school will remain fiscally strong, 经济的多元化, and have the financial resources to be on the cutting edge of 进步主义教育, 道德学习, 以及学术上的卓越. 在ECFS了解更多关于慈善的影响.


If you have 问题 or would like additional information, please contact us at (电子邮件保护).


The ECFS 橙色的基金 is vital to the school’s commitment to academic excellence, 进步主义教育, 道德学习.

We put your gifts to immediate use supporting these areas of our school community: financial aid, 教师专业发展, 教育技术, 体育运动, 课程创新, 视觉及表演艺术, 还有课外活动.

你可以捐给橙色基金会 在这里.


表格六遗赠礼物, 学校传统, is a meaningful way for parents of graduating students to leave their legacy. 每年, a volunteer committee of senior class parents raises money for this gift in honor of their students.

如果你有任何问题或者想做志愿者, 请联系Rose Turshen, 发展总监, 212-712-6245或 (电子邮件保护).

你可以给表格六的遗赠 在这里.

It’s easy to make an impact while taking advantage of tax savings when you make a gift of stock or securities to ECFS. 当你捐赠了受欢迎的股票, you can avoid capital gains taxes and deduct 100% of the value of your contribution — providing benefits both for you and for ECFS. 云顶集团的DonateStock平台提供了一个快速, 安全, and seamless way to support the School and take advantage of tax savings. 要想赠送股票,请访问 donatestock.com/ecfs 或者使用下面的小部件.


Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are investment accounts used for charitable giving. A DAF allows you to support ECFS immediately or over time while offering immediate tax relief.

daf的创建和维护成本相对较低, while still offering donors the ability to manage their tax situation through giving. A DAF is composed of donations made by individuals and administered by a third party or sponsoring organization.

你可以用这个来推荐一个拨款 DAF直接链接 富达投资、嘉信理财或纽约梅隆银行. If you have a different DAF sponsor, please consult your financial advisor for details or contact (电子邮件保护) 有问题吗?.


You can make a lasting contribution to future generations by designating the Ethical Culture Fieldston School as a beneficiary of your estate plan through a bequest, 退休计划, 保险政策, 或者慈善信托. 通过这样做, you can make a significant gift to ECFS that will ensure its future, while also potentially providing tax benefits for yourself and your family. 所有的遗产捐赠都将捐献给学校, 除非另有指定, which ensures that your gift goes to support our endowment in perpetuity.

通过精心准备的礼物, 你被邀请加入菲利克斯·阿德勒圈子, which was established to recognize individuals and families who choose to provide for the future of the School by including ECFS in their estate plans. Circle members play an essential role in ensuring ECFS’s continued financial health and position as a leader in 进步主义教育.



A gift to ECFS in your will or revocable trust will allow the School to continue educating generations of ECFS students for years to come. 遗赠很容易安排, 不会以任何方式影响你现在的生活方式吗, 并且可以很容易地修改以满足您不断变化的需求.


The IRA Charitable Rollover Provision allows individuals who have reached age 70½ to donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 不将分配作为应税收入.


ira的礼物, 401(k)s, or other qualified plans are popular planned gifts because they require no upfront cash — you simply designate ECFS as the beneficiary of all or a portion of your 退休计划 through your plan administrator. You can continue to take withdrawals during your lifetime and even change the beneficiary if circumstances change. After your lifetime, the residue of your plan passes tax-free to ECFS.


慈善领导信托, 或者“非授予人领导信托”,” allows you to provide an income to ECFS for a specified length of time, 之后,信托资产将传给你的继承人. 建立慈善领导信托, you contribute securities or other appreciating assets to a trustee of your choice who will invest the assets and make “income” payments to ECFS. 当信任结束, the remaining principal passes to family members or other beneficiaries you have named.


A charitable remainder trust allows you to provide an income to yourself or others for life (or a term of years), after which the trust assets go to the School to help educate ECFS students for years to come.

了解更多信息, 问题, 或者通知云顶集团你安排了什么礼物, 请联系Rose Turshen, 发展总监, 212-712-6242或 (电子邮件保护). 所有询问都将保密.

本资料仅供教育用途. Please consult your legal and financial advisors before making a major gift to ensure that any particular gift plan is appropriate for you.


The ECFS年度捐赠报告 2022–2023 has gone fully digital! 请联系 (电子邮件保护) 获取访问说明.